Academic institution strategic planning is the ultimate
Global blueprint for an organization's success new or old. It takes CHANGE to remain unchanged. Pro-active CHANGE comes
through Strategic Planning that recognizes a dynamic worldview constantly evolving.
The Global Academy internally brings over 40 years
of experience in higher education tradition, innovations and change from its CEO alone. Global Academy guides new and
old (trying to be new) education organizations through the difficult labyrinth of 21st Century Strategic Planning Processes.
The Process
THE path to successful
organization accomplishments in online education is the process. Yet, it is rarely a straight line and often strewn
with hazards. To be prepared, minimize the pitfalls, and turn problems into opportunities, a Strategic Planning Initiative
needs to be present and accounted for. It enables long term survival, prosperity, and ongoing long-term success.
Global Academy Online offers creative approaches and effective
planning processes to achieve these ends. Organizations acquire extraordinary opportunity through preparation
and successful planning guided by Global Academy Online.
A Seven Point
Strategic Planning Model
- 1. Mission & Vision Statement
- 2. Character & Values Statement
- 3. Marketing/Business Framework
- 4.
Assessment and Audit Tools
- 5. Fund Development Opportunities
- 6. Scenarios for Capital Campaigns
- 7. Practiced Stewardship at All Levels
Other success strategies are incorporated within the framework of specific functions provided by Global Academy
Online that support and promote an organization's online growth and success beginning with in depth
analysis of where the sponsoring group or organization of the new institution is and where it wants to go with its new school.
Global Academy Online makes recommendations that taken into consideration exposes the financial shortfalls and positives that
will impact moving forward with a complete Strategic Planning Process including costs, funding, and sustainability through
effective management of an institution's resources.