Licensing and accreditation of higher education providers is distinctly different on the international stage than
that provided by USA Department of Education approved private agency accreditors for American schools. For simplicity purposes,
it is necessary to point out that American approval to receive federal guaranteed student aid is based on peer review of other
members schools from a particular private agency recognized as acceptable to the US Department of Education.
Foreign governments have a hard time understanding this convoluted system since no US government
agency such as a Ministry of Education awards licenses or approves an institution's right in America to award
degrees. The US Department of Education does not do this and leaves it to the schools themselves to provide the measurement
and standards for credibility. No current laws exist at the national level to demand a university of any kind submit to any
accreditation approval process.
the other hand in all UN member nations, principalities and religious organizations, the power to award degrees,
certificates of accomplishment, etc., for an institution of higher learning must come from one of the 193 nations
and six principalities whose authority is granted by the national government itself or a government agency under the
national government's control. UNESCO is the UN's governing body on education and is moving rapidly to
internationalize and protect students world wide from bogus and unauthorized institutions. Seventy-five percent of the students
of higher education, according to UNESCO, do not study in the US or are they from the USA.
Private agencies such as the six regional accrediting agencies in America
controlled by the universities that are members, are essentially non-existant on the international stage. Thus, any nation,
it is generally agreed, serving as a member in good standing of the United Nations, has the power to certify, license, and
accredit any institution of higher learning within its boarders. If that school, regardless of how good or bad it may be is licensed,
other nations of the UN are obliged to provide it the courtesy of recognizing degrees and certificates earned at those universities
in every other member nation, simply as a matter of protocol.