Atlanta, Georgia, May 6, 2010...Mr. Joseph Saulter of Atlanta, Georgia joined a VIP entourage to China last
December at the special invitation of the City of Zhengzhou and the Zhengzhou College of Economics. As
the Founder and CEO of Entertainment Arts Research, Inc., a leader in the Video Game Industry, Saulter was invited as one
of four VIP members of Dr. Fred DiUlus’ delegation of American experts in their respective fields. DiUlus
is the CEO and Founder of Global Academy Online, Inc., a Washington DC based university builder. Mr. Saulter and other members of the VIP Delegation were invited as guests of Zhengzhou City local government officials
and hosted by Zhengzhou College of Economics, one of the Provinces most dynamic new universities. The goal
of the VIP Delegation was to promote bilateral, long-term educational and economic cooperation for both Zhengzhou College
of Economics and the City of Zhengzhou with American organizations. The VIP Delegation successfully initiated
a multi-million dollar educational games development between Saulter’s Entertainment Arts Research, Inc., and the ancient
Shaolin Temple in Henan Province, China. The negotiations were completed and an agreement signed at the Shaolin Temple in
early February that brought a twelve-year contract for EARI to produce exclusive education products for the Shaolin. The
EARI education and entertainment products are to be distributed throughout the world with the first being released in time
for the Christmas season. EARI also plans, according to Saulter to be among the first American firms in Central China’s
new university research park development at the invitation of Global Academy Online of Washington DC and the Zhengzhou College
of Economics of Zhengzhou City, China. Dr. DiUlus the North American consultant to the University states,
“This pact has far reaching implications. It will bring at least 50 jobs to the Atlanta area alone and perhaps as many
in China while offering the world exposure to the ancient and fabled Chinese Shaolin culture and values.”
This past January
in San Francisco, Mr. Saulter was recognized as one of the 50 Most Important African Americans in Technology. The award, presented
by the International Games Development Association, honored him for his extraordinary accomplishments to bring diversity to
the world of gaming technology as an educator, performer, and service as chair of the association’s Diversity Committee.
He is the former Chair of the Game Design and Development Department at American InterContinental University and a
professor at the Art Institute of Atlanta. The author of a series of Game Design and Development textbooks, Saulter’s
original rise to fame was as a young performing arts musician and Broadway star with such super hits as Hair and Jesus Christ
Superstar. He penned the musicians drum book for Doug Henning’s Broadway hit the Magic Show.
Entertainment Arts Research, Inc. is the first African American 3D Video Game
Development firm to be publicly traded in America and the first North American firm to ever enter an agreement with the ancient
Shaolin Temple.

ABOVE: VIP TEAM Left to Right: Joseph Saulter, CEO of EARI,
Thomas Payne, Gen.Partner, Sino-American Bridge Consulting Group, Mr. Qiao Xin Jian, Owner ZZCOE, Dr. Fred DiUlus, CEO,
the Academy, Asante Bradford, Georgia Entertainment Director, Alex Angioli, Senior Consultant, Wolverine Asset
BELOW: Joseph Saulter with students from Zhengzhou College of Economics in Zhengzhou
City, China.
