Online Applied
Global Academy's online Applied Ethics Concentration permits study and training in an online applied ethics
concentration for individuals seeking advanced recognition and identification as a certified Ethics resource within an organization,
public or private, profit or nonprofit.
The program provides a highly sought after blended
scenario permitting trainees to acquire knowledge in the traditional classroom and in the virtual one as well.
Applied Ethics trainees should come away with the ability to uncover moral dilemmas inherent in the workplace that arise
in their professional lives. The program is a critical analysis of case studies, and an ongoing development of persuasive
arguments for students to develop with an expanding knowledge and appreciation of real world experiences and the application
of ethical principles.
As students progress through the program's concentration, they
are challenged to struggle with the moral dilemmas posed by new laws and practices within professional fields as well as new
advances in technology. Trainees not only learn how to identify moral breeches but how to solve them both in and outside of
the contemporary workforce.
Today, trainees are asked to be the conscience
of the times and this concentration will arm with the contemporary tools they will need to stay the course.The program is
appropriate to any field of study, discipline or profession.