About Us

Global Academy Online: A Global Force


        The Academy is a unique, one of a kind organization. The primary difference between the Academy and other online content providers is the fact that the Academy can also deliver the quality, private-label content with outstanding expert doctoral faculty.

        Academy faculty are comparable in every respect to the finest faculty in the world. Faculty and programs become one with partnered organizations. In every respect, Academy faculty meet the most stringent of academic standards and requirements within every licensing jurisdiction in the world.

          Measurement of Online College Effectiveness
        The Academy offers a complimentary measurement of online colleges and universities worldwide. Authored by the founder of the Academy, this complimentary book is absolutely free to the public - no strings attached. 

        The Book offers ratings of online university programs, a list of the world's best plus it lifts the veil of secrecy regarding rules and significance of college accreditation. The proprietary five point rating system places major emphasis on the one thing most important to students --The faculty and their ability to teach online.
          The Academic Blueprint
        The Academy is one of an elite handful of firms that offers a blueprint for developing total online accredited university colleges from the idea stage to recognized college or university level status.













Global Academy Online, New York, NY 10118, 917 423 1333