About Us

The Advantage of Using Academy Faculty


Please take a moment to detail for us exactly what you are looking for and the limitations and expectations you desire. The majority of the Academy faculty pool available for outsourcing are traditional earned Ph.D. educators. Each member of the Academy pool possesses extensive fulltime teaching in traditional classroom environments as well as considerable expertise teaching online classes through multiple course management systems.

Please be sure to list for us the field and/or discipline of concentration you are interested. In addition explain you class term and academic calander. The length of the class term, and the number of sections desired to be taught are important to selecting the correct instructor. Please be as specific as possible in the comments section in order that we may be able to better serve and assist you. 

You may submit multiple requests for instructors on the same form.

Online Faculty Request Application


Please complete the form in its entirety. All communication between your office and the Academy will be by eMail, Phone, or FAX.




Global Academy Online, New York, NY 10118, 917 423 1333